Friday, February 13, 2009

Grandma Della's Cashmere

This is a special project. My grandmother is 82. Isn't she beautiful? Beauty is only skin deep, I know, but I'm so fortunate that her lovely image is a forecast for my own face. I love to think about that.

This was an emotional project for me, I walked home from the yarn store, not having found a pattern worthy of her, and it is cold outside, here in Colorado. She asked me, via my mother, to knit her a hat.

So, I was walking home from the yarn store, and crying, thinking of what little time I have left for her to be in this world with me. I walked back and bought two balls of Karabella cashmere/silk, in white, to match her lovely hair, that was part of her request, and proceeded to pour over my japanese stitch dictionary. These pictures don't show the stitch definition, but I chose motifs that reminded me of the 20's. Fans, and subtle bobbles, it is quite lovely.

She is thrilled. I am thrilled. I'm very satisfied and deeply moved that she loves her hat and that it will keep her warm for the rest of the winter.


evalou said...

Grandma Dee loves her hat, if you see her from afar, you cannot tell she is wearing a hat, as it matches her hair perfectly. The hat it as soft and silky as her hair. We went to lunch yesterday and she wore it and was soooo happy when she got great comments about the hat made for her by her grand daughter, One Of A Kind! I am very proud of you Jamie for making Grandma Dee the hat she truly loves! EvaLou

Anonymous said...

I love the story! - and I love the fact that she looks so pretty in such a darling hat (she has what we'd call a "good" face ie kind and indicative of a good life and full of good thoughts), you are both so lucky to have each other, thats really lovely.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Juliet. That is a wonderful compliment coming from you. I enjoy your writing style, and am working on my writing, when I can. thanks for taking a peek.

Julia O'C said...

Your grandmother's face is so beautiful that it's hard to look away! It looks like she has lots of great stories and good advice (if that makes sense).

Also,thank you for the very nice comment you left me - you made my day!

Anonymous said...
