Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I hmmmed and haaaawd about finding out the gender of this baby. Ultimately, I decided to find out for practical reasons, we can't agree on a boy's name, and ms. thing might have some adjusting to do if the baby is a girl....having been my only daughter for almost eleven years. Better to start adjusting now.

But nooooooooo. Today was the 20 week ultrasound, and, well, nothing giving. So I thought I would post photos of my latest cast on...my first baby surprise jacket. I bought EZ's 'workshop' back in September at the LYS annual 15% off sale, and we'll see how this goes. i want to knit a size closer to a newborn than a full-grown baby, so I'm using my own stitch counts, proportional to the stitch counts used in EZ's 'pattern'. I used quotes here, because, even she states that this was puzzling to her...how on earth this toallita (little towel) is going to end up being a garment of any kind will be a surprise to me. And so will be suitable for this new kid who is keeping her secret....um...or his secret, for another five months.

1 comment:

Maia said...

Baby surprise for a surprising baby, how great! Those colors look like they're gonna make a lovely jacket.